Cwricwlwm i Gymru / Curriculum for wales

Mae’r cwricwlwm yn Ysgol y Gwernant yn hybu dysgu, twf a datblygiad personol. Mae’n cynnwys gofynion swyddogol, gweithgareddau allgyrsiol a drefnir er mwyn cyfoethogi profiadau plant yn y cyfnodau allweddol, llythrennedd, rhifedd a chymhwysedd digidol sy’n plethu i’r dysgu trwy gydol yr ysgol. Yn Ysgol y Gwernant ein nod yw datblygu disgyblion cyfrifol, hyderus a dwyieithog sy’n gweithio’n dda gydag eraill er mwyn cyflawni eu llawn potensial. Gwneir hyn yn bennaf drwy’r dull thematig.​

The curriculum at Ysgol y Gwernant promotes learning, personal growth and development. It includes the formal requirements, the extra-curricular activities we organise in order to enrich the experiences of the children and the key skills, literacy, numeracy and digital competence that underpin learning throughout the school. At Ysgol y Gwernant we aim to develop responsible, confident and bilingual pupils who work well with others in order that they can achieve their full potential. This is achieved mainly by means of a thematic approach.​

Cwricwlwm i Gymru fideo / Curriculum for Wales video

Y 4 diben / The 4 purposes

 Cyflwynir y cwricwlwm a’r sgiliau drwy weithgarethau thematig. Rydym ac yn addasu’r profiadau dysgu ac addysgu ar gyfer gofynion y dysgwr.

Mae Meysydd Dysgu diwygiedig y Cyfnod Sylfaen a Rhaglenni Astudio diwygiedig Cyfnod Allweddol 2 ar  gyfer pob dysgwr mewn ysgolion.

Gweler y ddolen isod am fwy o wybodaeth am y Cwricwlwm i Gymru a’r 4 Diben

Canllaw i rieni

Canllaw i blant

The curriculum and skills are presented through thematic activities. We adapt the teaching and learning experiences to the needs of the learner.

The  Foundation Phase Areas of Learning and revised Programmes of Study at Key Stage 2 are  for all learners in schools.

Please click the link below to see more information about the Curriculum for Wales and the 4 Purposes.

Parents guide

Children’s guide