Twm, ein ci therapi/Twm, our therapy dog

Mae’r ysgol yn ffodus iawn o gael ci therapi fel aelod o staff. Mynychai Twm yr ysgol pob dydd, a mae’n byw gyda Mrs Evans a’i theulu pan nad yw’n Ysgol y Gwernant.

Pam cael Ci Therapi Ysgol?

Mae llawer o fanteision o gael ci therapi mewn lleoliad ysgol, a’r prif un yw iechyd a lles Disgyblion a staff fel ei gilydd. Rôl cŵn therapi yw ymateb i bobl a’u hamgylchedd. Mae cael ci yn yr ysgol yn gallu helpu plant ifanc i ddatblygu mewn ystod o feysydd academaidd, personol a chymdeithasol.

Manteision Cŵn Therapi
Gall therapi â chymorth anifeiliaid

· addysgu empathi a sgiliau rhyngbersonol priodol

· helpu unigolion i ddatblygu sgiliau cymdeithasol

· gwella sgiliau unigolion i ganfod ciwiau cymdeithasol sy’n hanfodol i berthnasoedd dynol.

· cynnydd mewn presenoldeb ysgol

· ennill hyder

· gostyngiad mewn ymddygiad gorbryder gan ddysgwyr gan arwain at ganlyniadau dysgu gwell, megis cynnydd mewn lefelau darllen ac ysgrifennu

· newidiadau cadarnhaol tuag at ddysgu a chymhelliant gwell

As a school, we are fortunate to have a therapy dog as a member of staff. Twm attends the school every day, and when he is not in Ysgol y Gwernant, he lives with Mrs Evans and her family.

Why have a School Therapy Dog?

There are many benefits to having a therapy dog in a school setting, the main one being the health and well- being of both Pupils and Staff alike. A dog has an immediate calming effect by just being near. The role of therapy dogs is to react and respond to people and their environment. Having a dog in school has the potential to help young children to develop in a range of academic, personal and social areas.

Benefits of Therapy Dogs

Animal assisted therapy can:

· teach empathy and appropriate interpersonal skills

· help individuals develop social skills

· be soothing and the presence of animals can more quickly build rapport between the teacher and pupil

· improve individual’s skills to pick up social cues imperative to human relationships.

·  increase in school attendance

· gains in confidence

· decreases in learner anxiety behaviours resulting in improved learning outcomes, such as increases in reading and writing levels

· positive changes towards learning and improved motivation

· enhanced relationships with peers and teachers due to experiencing trust and unconditional love from a therapy dog. This in turn helps students learn how to express their feelings and enter into more trusting relationships.

· teach empathy and appropriate interpersonal skills

· help individuals develop social skills

· be soothing and the presence of animals can more quickly build rapport between the teacher and pupil, and

· improve individual’s skills to pick up social cues imperative to human relationships.

Research into the effects of therapy dogs in schools is showing a range of benefits including:

· increase in school attendance

· gains in confidence

· decreases in learner anxiety behaviours resulting in improved learning outcomes, such as increases in reading and writing levels

· positive changes towards learning and improved motivation, and

enhanced relationships with peers and teachers due to experiencing trust and unconditional love from a therapy dog. This in turn helps students learn how to express their feelings and enter into more trusting relationships.

Cliciwch yma am fwy o wybodaeth/Click here for more information